想象一下: 你漫步巴黎街头,感受法式浪漫的风情;你沉浸在卢浮宫的艺术宝库,感受西方文明的辉煌;你品尝着香气四溢的法式甜点,体会着生活的美好滋味…
Lonely Planet 巴黎指南,是你开启巴黎之旅的不二之选!
它将为你解锁巴黎的秘密,从热门景点到隐藏巷弄,从风味餐饮到独特体验,从未留下任何遗漏。 还在等什么?立即预订Lonely Planet 巴黎指南,开启你的梦幻巴黎之行!
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探索巴黎最受欢迎的体验和最保守的秘密 – 从欣赏巴黎圣母院的美丽到在巴士底夜跳舞,再到参观世界上第一个位于铁路高架桥顶部的高架公园。
我们的经典旅游指南格式为您规划 1-2 周或更长时间的旅行提供最全面的信息更新了全新的结构和设计,以便您可以轻松游览巴黎并连接体验通过令人兴奋的完美一日行程创建您的理想旅行推荐适合您兴趣的不容错过的景点和活动,以及从巴黎出发的一日游,以便您探索周边地区获得必游景点的新鲜体验,包括体验埃菲尔铁塔、探索布洛涅森林以及参观著名的拉雪兹神父公墓的特色像巴黎人一样吃喝,探索卢浮宫、巴黎圣母院指南关于何时去、吃、喝、夜生活、购物、住宿、冒险活动、节日等的专家当地建议包含到达提示的基本信息工具包;运输;充分利用您的时间和金钱; LGBTIQ+ 旅行建议;有用的单词和短语;可达性;负责任的旅行 通过深入探究当地生活、历史和传统的故事,与巴黎文化建立联系 激发灵感的全彩旅行摄影和地图,包括巴黎的拉出地图 涵盖埃菲尔铁塔和巴黎西部、香榭丽舍大街和林荫大道、卢浮宫和巴黎哈勒、蒙马特和巴黎北部、玛黑区、梅尼蒙坦和贝尔维尔、巴士底狱和巴黎东部、群岛、拉丁区、圣日耳曼和荣军院、蒙帕纳斯和巴黎南部以及凡尔赛、沙特尔、枫丹白露宫、吉维尼的一日游
出版商 : 孤独星球;第14版(2024年3月19日)
语言 : 英语
平装本 : 328 页
ISBN-10 : 1838691987
ISBN-13 : 978-1838691981
物品重量 : 2.31 磅
尺寸 : 5.15 x 0.75 x 7.75 英寸
巴黎,一座永远闪耀着浪漫气息的城市,却也藏着许多迷人的角落等待探索。对于即将踏上这段法式之旅的旅行者们来说,一本优秀的旅行指南能给他们带来莫大的帮助。Lonely Planet,以其耐用且深入的旅行指南著称,巴黎篇也以其全面而生动的内容为无数旅人指引了方向。
冲着“好吃、好玩、拍照好看”的“巴黎三要素”,Lonely Planet的指南就像一把万能鑰匙,帮你解锁巴黎的各种精彩。指南涵盖了从经典景点到隐藏小店的详细介绍,包含了景点地图、开闭时间、交通路线和门票价格等实用信息。读者可以轻松选择符合自己兴趣和预算的旅行路线,并通过指南中丰富的图片和文字,提前感受巴黎的魅力。
Lonely Planet巴黎指南不仅仅局限于景点介绍。它更像是导游兼朋友,教你如何融入巴黎的生活节奏。指南推荐了当地人喜爱的餐厅、咖啡馆、酒吧和书店,让你体验真正的巴黎生活。它还分享了巴黎的历史文化、艺术潮流、时尚元素等,让你对这座城市有了更加深刻的理解。
Lonely Planet巴黎指南的优秀之处在于其实用性。指南中包含了丰富的旅行建议,例如如何搭乘地铁、购买交通卡、办理签证等,为新手 travellers提供了一套完整的旅行方案。此外,指南还包含了大量的打包清单、安全提示和语言交流的实用单词,让你在旅行中更加安心便捷。
Lonely Planet的指南还留下了许多空白页,既可作为旅程中的笔记,可供记录旅行见闻、感想和“打卡”照片,还可作为手写地图,标记已游览地点和待探索的目标,赋予了旅行更多个性的精彩。
在充满迷人的巴黎之旅中,Lonely Planet的指南就像一位可靠的伙伴,为你指引方向,分享美食、文化和生活方式。它帮助你解开这座城市的神秘面纱,体验法式浪漫,收获难忘的旅行记忆。
厌倦了乏味的旅行指南?想要体验巴黎最独特的魅力?那就别错过Lonely Planet 巴黎指南!
- 深入浅出的巴黎文化解析: 了解巴黎的历史、艺术、美食等各个方面,感受这座城市的文脉与精神。
- 精准的景点推荐: 从著名的埃菲尔铁塔到隐蔽的古迹,从时尚的购物街到充满艺术氛围的咖啡馆,这款指南将带您体验巴黎的精彩纷呈。
- 实用的旅游建议: 包含交通攻略、住宿选择、当地习俗等,让您在旅行过程中省心省力,尽情享受浪漫之旅。
- 鲜明的图片与地图:
別再犹豫,让 Lonely Planet 巴黎指南引领您开启一段难忘的巴黎之旅!
- 携程旅行: https://www.ctrip.com/
- 去哪儿网: https://www.qunar.com/
- 马蜂窝: https://www.mafengwo.cn/
- Lonely Planet Paris: https://www.lonelyplanet.com/france/paris
- TripAdvisor Paris: https://www.tripadvisor.com/Tourism-g187147-Paris_Ile_de_France-Vacations.html
- Time Out Paris: https://www.timeout.com/paris
- 巴黎官方旅游网站: https://en.parisinfo.com/
- 巴黎地鐵官方網站: https://www.ratp.fr/en
希望这些资源对您的巴黎旅行有所帮助! 😊
Reviewer: DDX
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Great little book
Review: First off I love the size of this book, not too big not too small, perfect for packing. I am going to Paris for the first time and this book gives me everything I want to know and see + maps.
Reviewer: A. Cox
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Fantastic source!
Review: This is beautifully researched and rich with detail, so it is an invaluable source for planning your trip to Paris. We were inspired by the descriptions and wide range of suggestions, and they were absolutely valid when we put them to the test. One particularly useful aspect are the walking maps for the distinct areas so you’ll know where to go, what to see, and why the sites are important. This is worth every cent!
Reviewer: james a horris
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Detailed, dependable
Review: Well written, in the Lonely Planet tradition. Great level of detail. Reliable information.
Reviewer: smokin’ joe
Rating: 3.0 out of 5 stars
Title: No lodging listings
Review: Warning: If you’re buying this book to peruse the listings for places to stay — something Lonely Planet used to do well — don’t bother. LP seems to have ditched that very helpful and well researched element, apparently presuming that anyone can find lodging online. One can, but the reviews on Trip Adviser, for example, or Airbnb, are random and subjective. Too bad.
Reviewer: Epossumondas
Rating: 3.0 out of 5 stars
Review: Attractive layout and photography do not make up for some serious structural issues. The editing leaves much to be desired. A terrible index lacks many of the most popular green spaces, such as Bois de Boulogne, Jardin des Plantes and Jardin du Luxembourg. The table of contents is hidden 53 pages inside the book and the pull-out map only covers the inner 10 arrondissements. Buy this guide well in advance of your trip and read before you go to help plan your stay and familiarize yourself with the book itself. I cracked it open on the flight over and found it difficult to use.
Reviewer: Shell
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Review: Actually bought this after our visit to Paris. So many beautiful places to visit we wanted a reminder of the main info of each place and learn more about them too.
Reviewer: Jaroslaw Lipski
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Review: + enthält Empfehlungen für Wandertouren in Paris 🙂
Reviewer: CassC
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Review: Travel books are great as they don’t require charging andallow you to jot down notes and memories to keep.
Reviewer: Cross
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Review: I love the Lonely Planet Travel Guides and I get one for every travel destination I’ve been to. The plan is to have a shelf full of them that represent the places we’ve been to. The guides themselves are beautifully put together and they’re second to none in terms of quality. This one for Paris is no exception.
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