Chinese Chicken Mushroom Soup is more than just a culinary delight; it is a dish steeped in cultural history and tradition. Originating from the ancient kitchens of China, this soup encapsulates the essence of Chinese cuisine, blending simplicity with profound flavors. It is a staple in many Chinese households and is often enjoyed during special occasions and family gatherings. The soup’s popularity has transcended borders, making it a beloved dish worldwide.

The traditional ingredients of Chinese Chicken Mushroom Soup include tender chicken pieces, an assortment of mushrooms, ginger, garlic, and sometimes goji berries or dates for added sweetness. The combination of these ingredients not only provides a rich and savory flavor but also offers a myriad of health benefits. Mushrooms, known for their immune-boosting properties, pair harmoniously with the protein-rich chicken, creating a nourishing and comforting dish.

What sets this soup apart is its distinctive umami flavor, derived from the mushrooms and enhanced by the slow simmering of the chicken. The addition of ginger and garlic infuses the broth with a subtle spiciness, while the goji berries or dates add a touch of sweetness, creating a balanced and multi-dimensional taste profile that is both hearty and refreshing.

In the bustling culinary landscape of Paris, known for its diverse food scene, Chinese Chicken Mushroom Soup has found a special place. Parisian food enthusiasts and international visitors alike can appreciate the unique flavors and health benefits that this traditional Chinese dish offers. Whether at a high-end restaurant or a cozy bistro, the experience of savoring Chinese Chicken Mushroom Soup in Paris is a testament to the city’s embrace of global cuisines. This soup not only serves as a delightful meal but also as a cultural bridge, connecting the rich heritage of Chinese cooking with the ever-evolving palate of Paris.

Top Restaurants in Paris to Enjoy Chinese Chicken Mushroom Soup

When it comes to savoring authentic Chinese Chicken Mushroom Soup, Paris boasts an impressive array of culinary establishments. Here are some top-rated restaurants where you can indulge in this delightful dish:

Le Pont de Yunnan

Located in the 11th arrondissement, Le Pont de Yunnan is renowned for its traditional Yunnan cuisine. The restaurant’s ambiance is a blend of modern and classic Chinese decor, providing a warm and inviting atmosphere. Their Chicken Mushroom Soup is a must-try, featuring a rich broth infused with the earthy flavors of shiitake mushrooms and tender chicken pieces. Patrons frequently praise the soup’s depth of flavor and authenticity in online reviews.

Chez Vong

Situated near Les Halles, Chez Vong offers a unique fusion of Vietnamese and Chinese flavors. The restaurant’s elegant setting, with its bamboo decor and tranquil ambiance, makes for a perfect dining experience. The Chicken Mushroom Soup here is distinct, incorporating exotic mushrooms and a touch of lemongrass, giving it a refreshing twist. Customers often commend the restaurant for its innovative take on classic dishes, as well as its attentive service.

Le Grand Bol

In the heart of Paris’s Chinatown in the 13th arrondissement, Le Grand Bol stands out for its authentic Cantonese cuisine. The restaurant is known for its bustling atmosphere and extensive menu. Their Chicken Mushroom Soup is a crowd favorite, celebrated for its hearty portions and robust flavors. Reviews highlight the soup’s perfectly balanced seasoning and the generous amount of chicken and mushrooms in each serving.

Restaurant Tong Yen

Located in the prestigious 8th arrondissement, Restaurant Tong Yen is a favorite among locals and tourists alike. The upscale environment, coupled with its renowned Peking duck, makes it a popular spot. However, their Chicken Mushroom Soup is equally noteworthy. Made with premium ingredients, the soup is rich and flavorful, with a silky texture that leaves diners wanting more. Many reviews laud the restaurant’s consistency in delivering high-quality dishes.

These restaurants not only offer exquisite Chinese Chicken Mushroom Soup but also provide a memorable dining experience, each adding its unique twist to this beloved dish. Whether you are a Paris resident or a visitor, these establishments are worth exploring for an authentic taste of Chinese cuisine.

The Health Benefits of Chicken Mushroom Soup

Chinese Chicken Mushroom Soup is not only a delightful culinary experience but also a treasure trove of health benefits. The combination of key ingredients such as chicken, mushrooms, ginger, and garlic contributes significantly to overall wellness. Each of these ingredients brings unique nutritional value, creating a harmonious blend that supports various aspects of health.

Chicken is a primary component of this soup, offering a rich source of high-quality protein. Protein is essential for muscle repair and growth, and it plays a crucial role in the maintenance of healthy skin, hair, and nails. Additionally, chicken is packed with B vitamins, including B6 and B12, which are vital for energy production and brain function.

Mushrooms, another prominent ingredient, are renowned for their immune-boosting properties. They are rich in antioxidants, particularly selenium, which helps protect cells from damage. Mushrooms also contain beta-glucans, compounds that enhance the immune system’s ability to fight off infections. Moreover, they provide a good source of fiber, aiding in digestion and promoting a healthy gut.

Ginger, often used in Chinese Chicken Mushroom Soup, is celebrated for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. It helps soothe digestive discomfort and is effective in combating nausea. Ginger also plays a role in reducing muscle pain and soreness, making it a valuable addition to this nutritious soup.

Garlic, known for its potent medicinal properties, is another key ingredient. It is rich in compounds like allicin, which has been shown to enhance the immune response and lower blood pressure. Garlic’s antimicrobial properties help in fighting infections, and its anti-inflammatory benefits contribute to overall cardiovascular health.

Incorporating Chinese Chicken Mushroom Soup into your diet can therefore provide a myriad of health benefits. The synergy of protein, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and anti-inflammatory compounds makes this soup not only a comforting meal but also a potent health booster.

DIY: How to Make Chinese Chicken Mushroom Soup at Home

Creating a delicious and authentic Chinese Chicken Mushroom Soup at home is a rewarding culinary endeavor. This guide will walk you through the necessary steps, from gathering ingredients to perfecting your cooking techniques.


– 1 whole chicken (about 1.5 kg), cut into pieces
– 200 grams of dried shiitake mushrooms
– 1 piece of ginger (about 5 cm), sliced
– 2 cloves of garlic, minced
– 3 green onions, chopped
– 1 tablespoon of soy sauce
– 1 tablespoon of oyster sauce
– 1 teaspoon of sesame oil
– Salt and pepper to taste
– 2 liters of water


– Large pot or Dutch oven
– Sharp knife
– Cutting board
– Strainer
– Mixing bowls


Step 1: Prepare the Ingredients

Begin by soaking the dried shiitake mushrooms in warm water for about 30 minutes until they are soft. Once rehydrated, slice them thinly and set them aside. Cut the chicken into manageable pieces, ensuring to remove excess fat. Slice the ginger and mince the garlic. Chop the green onions finely.

Step 2: Sauté the Aromatics

In your large pot or Dutch oven, heat a small amount of sesame oil over medium heat. Add the sliced ginger and minced garlic, stirring frequently until they become fragrant. This process should take about 2-3 minutes.

Step 3: Brown the Chicken

Add the chicken pieces to the pot, browning them on all sides. This step helps to lock in the flavors and enhances the soup’s depth. It should take approximately 5-7 minutes to achieve an even browning on the chicken.

Step 4: Combine and Simmer

Once the chicken is browned, add the soaked and sliced shiitake mushrooms. Pour in the 2 liters of water, bringing the mixture to a boil. Add the soy sauce, oyster sauce, and salt and pepper to taste. Reduce the heat to a simmer, cover the pot, and allow the soup to cook for about 1.5 to 2 hours. This slow cooking process will produce a rich and flavorful broth.

Step 5: Finishing Touches

Before serving, skim off any excess fat from the surface of the soup. Add the chopped green onions and adjust the seasoning if necessary. For a more intense flavor, you may add a few drops of additional sesame oil.

Enjoy your homemade Chinese Chicken Mushroom Soup, a delightful dish that combines the comfort of chicken with the earthiness of shiitake mushrooms. With these steps, you can easily recreate this traditional soup in your Parisian kitchen, bringing a taste of China to your home.


Integrating Chinese Chicken Mushroom Soup into Modern Parisian Cuisine

The culinary landscape of Paris is renowned for its innovation and diversity, making it an ideal platform for the integration of traditional dishes, such as Chinese Chicken Mushroom Soup, into modern Parisian cuisine. The fusion of Chinese and French culinary techniques offers a unique opportunity for chefs to create dishes that honor the authentic flavors of Chinese cuisine while appealing to the sophisticated palate of the Parisian diner.

One notable trend in the Parisian culinary scene is the blending of traditional Chinese recipes with French cooking methods. For instance, Chinese Chicken Mushroom Soup, known for its rich broth and delicate balance of flavors, can be reimagined using locally sourced ingredients such as French mushrooms and free-range chicken. This not only maintains the essence of the original dish but also adds a local touch that resonates with diners in Paris.

Several esteemed chefs in Paris have already begun to experiment with these fusion techniques. At high-end restaurants, you might find a velouté that combines the hearty, umami-rich broth of Chinese Chicken Mushroom Soup with the creamy texture typical of French soups. This innovative twist not only highlights the versatility of the soup but also showcases the chef’s creativity in combining distinct culinary traditions.

Another example is the incorporation of Chinese Chicken Mushroom Soup into French bistro fare. Imagine a classic coq au vin with a twist, where the braising liquid is replaced with the flavorful broth of the soup, resulting in a dish that marries the comfort of French home cooking with the aromatic depth of Chinese spices. Such creative endeavors are becoming increasingly popular in Paris, reflecting a broader trend of cultural and culinary exchange.

In summary, the integration of Chinese Chicken Mushroom Soup into modern Parisian cuisine exemplifies the dynamic nature of the city’s food scene. Through the innovative efforts of Parisian chefs, this traditional Chinese dish finds new life and appreciation, bridging culinary traditions and delighting the taste buds of discerning diners.

Cultural Significance of Chicken Mushroom Soup in Chinese Cuisine

Chicken Mushroom Soup holds a venerable place in Chinese culinary traditions, embodying a rich history and cultural depth that stretches back centuries. Its origins are deeply rooted in ancient Chinese medicine, where chicken and mushrooms were revered for their nourishing properties. The pairing of these ingredients was believed to fortify the body, enhance immunity, and promote longevity. This belief in the health benefits has perpetuated its popularity through generations.

Traditionally, Chicken Mushroom Soup is prepared using free-range chicken and a variety of mushrooms, including shiitake, reishi, and enoki. The preparation method is often a slow simmer, allowing the flavors to meld harmoniously over time. The slow cooking process is not just about flavor; it is also about extracting the medicinal qualities of the ingredients, adhering to the principles of Yin and Yang in Chinese medicine. This balanced approach aims to harmonize the body’s energies, making the soup a staple in both everyday meals and special occasions.

The significance of Chicken Mushroom Soup extends to Chinese festivals and family gatherings, where it is often a centerpiece dish. During the Lunar New Year, for instance, the soup symbolizes prosperity and health for the coming year. It is also a common feature during the Mid-Autumn Festival and other celebratory events, reinforcing its status as a dish that brings people together and strengthens familial bonds.

Regional variations of Chicken Mushroom Soup abound within China, each adding its unique twist to the classic recipe. In the southern regions, the soup might include more aromatic herbs like goji berries and ginseng, enhancing its health benefits. Northern versions may incorporate different types of mushrooms and additional spices, reflecting local tastes and ingredient availability. These regional differences highlight the versatility and enduring appeal of Chicken Mushroom Soup in Chinese cuisine.

Sourcing Ingredients for Chinese Chicken Mushroom Soup in Paris

When it comes to making Chinese Chicken Mushroom Soup in Paris, obtaining authentic ingredients is crucial for achieving the traditional flavors and nutritional benefits. Thankfully, the vibrant city of Paris is home to various specialty Asian grocery stores and markets where you can find high-quality products.

One of the most renowned spots is Tang Frères, located in the 13th arrondissement. Known for its extensive selection of Asian groceries, Tang Frères offers fresh and dried mushrooms, free-range chicken, and a variety of Chinese herbs essential for your soup. Another excellent choice is Paris Store, which has multiple locations throughout the city and provides a broad range of fresh produce, meats, and specialty ingredients, including shiitake mushrooms and goji berries.

For those who prefer shopping at local markets, the Marché d’Aligre in the 12th arrondissement is a treasure trove of fresh vegetables and herbs. Here, you can find organic produce that can be used as local alternatives, such as French leeks or carrots, which can complement your soup. Additionally, the Marché des Enfants Rouges in the Marais district is another excellent market offering a variety of fresh ingredients.

If convenience is a priority, several online retailers cater to those seeking authentic Chinese ingredients. Websites like Asia Market and BienManger deliver a wide range of products, including hard-to-find items like dried wood ear mushrooms and Chinese dates. Utilizing these online platforms ensures that you have access to all necessary ingredients without leaving the comfort of your home.

When selecting ingredients, prioritize freshness and quality. Opt for free-range or organic chicken to enhance the soup’s flavor and nutritional value. For mushrooms, choose firm, unblemished varieties, whether fresh or dried. Fresh herbs and vegetables should be vibrant in color and free from wilting.

By sourcing your ingredients from these reputable places, you’ll be well on your way to creating an authentic and delicious Chinese Chicken Mushroom Soup in Paris.

Testimonials and Personal Stories: The Love for Chicken Mushroom Soup

Chicken Mushroom Soup has garnered a dedicated following, transcending cultural boundaries and becoming a beloved dish for many. One such devotee is Li Wei, a Chinese expatriate living in Paris. He fondly recalls his grandmother’s Chicken Mushroom Soup, a recipe that has been passed down through generations. “Whenever I miss home, I make a pot of this soup. It fills my apartment with the same comforting aroma I remember from my childhood,” says Li Wei. For him, the soup is more than just a meal; it’s a bridge to his heritage and a comforting reminder of family.

Local Parisians have also embraced Chicken Mushroom Soup with open arms. Marie Dubois, a Parisian food blogger, stumbled upon the dish at a quaint Chinese restaurant in the Marais district. “I was initially curious, but one spoonful and I was hooked. The blend of chicken and mushrooms is both hearty and subtle, making it perfect for a cozy night in,” Marie shares. She now frequently features Chicken Mushroom Soup in her blog, praising its nutritional value and rich flavors.

Chefs specializing in Chinese cuisine in Paris have their own stories to tell. Chef Zhang, who runs a popular Chinese bistro, speaks about the dish with reverence. “Chicken Mushroom Soup is a staple in our menu. It’s a dish that resonates with people from all walks of life,” he explains. Chef Zhang enjoys experimenting with different types of mushrooms and local ingredients to give the traditional recipe a unique Parisian twist. “The essence remains the same, but the local ingredients add a new dimension to the flavor,” he adds.

These personal stories and testimonials highlight the universal appeal of Chicken Mushroom Soup. Whether it’s a nostalgic connection to one’s roots or a newfound culinary delight, this dish continues to win hearts and palates, proving that good food truly knows no boundaries.

Chicken mushroom soup

Ingredients for chicken mushroom soup/ 4 people

225g boneless chicken
thighs or drumsticks sans the skin (do not take chicken breasts

result Would Be very dry)

25g sliced ​​ham

25g dried shitake
mushrooms (mushrooms scented =


tablespoons soy sauce

teaspoon sesame oil

teaspoon cornstarch


25 l chicken broth

tablespoon chopped scallion


tablespoons coffee oil (neutral, PREFERABLY peanut)




mins preparation

30 mins

1 h 10 min



PREPARATION chicken mushroom soup

Add mushrooms to soak in plenty of hot water for 30 minutes. Cut chicken Into 1 cm. Mix the meat with cornstarch, 1
tablespoon soy sauce and sesame oil. Let stand 30 minutes.

Drain the mushrooms dry Them Carefully remove excess liquid to Slightly. Jeter
feet, cut the caps Into thin strips.

3 In a wide saucepan, heat
the broth, add the mushrooms, spring onions, smoked ham, 1 tablespoon of soy
sauce, a little pepper. Simmer on low heat 15 minutes.

Meanwhile, heat the oil in a wok neutral or frying pan. When Almost tuxedo,
jump over high heat chicken parts for 5 minutes, stirring Constantly. Meat
Should Be golden. Drain the meat to remove excess fat Any.


Finally chicken mushroom soup

the meat in the soup and simmer for 5 minutes Before serving.

for Banana Walnut Bread Recipe


2/3 c Milk

banana 1/2 c; mashed


tb Margarine; or butter

3 c Bread flour

tb Sugar

ts Salt

ts Ground cinammon; (optional)

dry yeast 1 ts

3/4 c Walnuts; or pecans



Bread Preparation

have a receipe for Banana Walnut Bread-All which I found in my Better Homes
& Gardens Bread Machine Bounty. Add ingredients to machine According To
manufactrers directions Adding the banana with the milk. (Use light setting, if
available.) I have not tried this receipe yet so let me know if its good or

for Cheddar-Dill Bread Recipe


2 c Self-rising flour;
*see note

tb Sugar

1/4 c Butter or margarine

1 c Cheddar cheese;

ts Dill weed


3/4 c Milk


Bread Preparation


by: Sue Klapper Preparation Time: 0:40 In
a large bowl combine flour and sugar. Cut in butter until crumbly; stir in the
cheese and dill. In a small bowl, beat egg and milk; pour into dry ingredients
and stir just until moistened. (Batter will be very thick.) Pour into a greased
8 inch x 4 x 2 loaf pan. Bake at 350 for 35 – 40 minutes or until bread tests
done. Cool in pan 10 minutes before removing. Note: As substitute to
self-rising flour, place 1 T. baking powder and 1 t. salt in a measuring cup. Add
enough flour to equal 2 cups.



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