Steamed salmon holds a celebrated place in Chinese cuisine, revered for its delicate flavors and nutritional benefits. This culinary technique, deeply rooted in Chinese tradition, emphasizes simplicity and the preservation of the fish’s natural essence. Steaming, a method known for its ability to maintain the integrity of ingredients, is particularly suited for seafood. In the context of Chinese culinary practices, steamed salmon is often prepared with minimalistic seasoning, allowing the freshness of the fish to take center stage.

The popularity of steamed salmon in Chinese households and restaurants can be attributed to both its health benefits and its cultural significance. Historically, fish has been an integral part of the Chinese diet, symbolizing prosperity and abundance. The practice of steaming fish dates back centuries and is considered an art form, requiring skill to achieve the perfect balance of tenderness and flavor. This method is not only quick and efficient but also retains the fish’s moisture and nutritional value, making it a preferred choice for health-conscious individuals.

Traditional preparations of steamed salmon involve the use of ginger, scallions, and soy sauce, which enhance the fish’s natural taste without overpowering it. The process begins with cleaning and lightly seasoning the salmon, followed by placing it on a bed of aromatics. The fish is then steamed gently, ensuring that it remains moist and flavorful. The simplicity of this method highlights the quality of the salmon, allowing diners to appreciate its pure, unadulterated taste.

In Chinese cuisine, steamed salmon is often served as part of a multi-course meal, complementing other dishes with its light and refreshing profile. Its integration into Chinese culinary traditions underscores the importance of balance and harmony in food, aligning with the broader principles of Chinese gastronomy. Through the lens of Chinese cuisine, steamed salmon exemplifies how minimalistic cooking techniques can produce dishes that are both nutritious and exquisite in flavor.

Nutritional Profile of Steamed Salmon

Steamed salmon is a powerhouse of nutrition, making it a favored choice in many health-conscious diets. High in protein, a 100-gram serving of steamed salmon typically provides around 20 grams of this essential macronutrient. Protein is crucial for muscle repair, growth, and overall body function, making steamed salmon an excellent option for those looking to maintain or build muscle mass.

One of the primary health benefits of steamed salmon lies in its rich omega-3 fatty acid content. Omega-3s are known for their anti-inflammatory properties and their role in promoting heart health. They help reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases by lowering triglyceride levels and blood pressure. Additionally, omega-3 fatty acids are essential for brain health, supporting cognitive function and potentially reducing the risk of neurodegenerative diseases.

Steamed salmon is also a rich source of vitamins and minerals. It is particularly high in B vitamins, including B12, which is vital for nerve function and the production of DNA and red blood cells. The fish also contains significant amounts of vitamin D, which is important for bone health and immune system support. Minerals such as selenium, potassium, and magnesium are also abundant in steamed salmon, contributing to various bodily functions, from maintaining electrolyte balance to supporting metabolic processes.

Steaming as a cooking method offers considerable advantages in preserving the nutritional integrity of salmon. Unlike methods such as frying or grilling, which can cause nutrient loss through high temperatures and cooking oils, steaming uses gentle heat and moisture. This technique minimizes nutrient degradation, ensuring that the valuable proteins, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals remain intact. Consequently, steamed salmon not only retains its delicious taste but also provides maximum health benefits, making it a superior choice for those seeking a nutritious and flavorful meal.

Health Benefits of Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Omega-3 fatty acids, predominantly found in salmon, play a crucial role in maintaining and enhancing various aspects of human health. These essential nutrients are renowned for their significant contribution to heart health. Numerous studies have demonstrated that omega-3 fatty acids can reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases by lowering blood pressure, decreasing triglyceride levels, and preventing the formation of arterial plaques. The American Heart Association recommends the regular consumption of fatty fish, such as salmon, as part of a heart-healthy diet.

In addition to cardiovascular benefits, omega-3 fatty acids are vital for optimal brain function. They constitute a significant portion of the brain’s structure and are involved in various cognitive processes. Research indicates that adequate intake of these fatty acids can enhance memory, improve mental clarity, and potentially reduce the risk of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s. A study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association revealed that higher levels of omega-3s in the blood were associated with a decreased incidence of cognitive decline in older adults.

Furthermore, omega-3 fatty acids possess potent anti-inflammatory properties. Chronic inflammation is a precursor to numerous chronic conditions, including arthritis, diabetes, and some forms of cancer. The anti-inflammatory effects of omega-3s can mitigate the risk of these diseases by inhibiting the production of inflammatory compounds and promoting the resolution of inflammation. A study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that individuals with higher omega-3 intake had significantly lower levels of inflammatory markers in their bodies.

Overall, the inclusion of salmon in one’s diet ensures a robust intake of omega-3 fatty acids, which are indispensable for heart health, cognitive function, and inflammation reduction. The scientific evidence underscores the importance of these nutrients, making salmon an excellent choice for those seeking to improve their overall well-being.


The Role of Steaming in Healthy Cooking

Steaming has long been acclaimed as a holistic approach to healthy cooking, particularly within Chinese culinary traditions. This method, revered for its simplicity and effectiveness, offers multifaceted health benefits that make it a preferred choice among health-conscious individuals. The primary advantage of steaming lies in its ability to cook food without the need for added fats. Unlike frying, which often requires significant amounts of oil, or grilling, which can introduce unhealthy charred residues, steaming relies solely on the gentle, moist heat of vaporized water. This not only minimizes the intake of unnecessary fats but also helps maintain the natural flavors and textures of the food.

Another significant benefit of steaming is its capacity to preserve the inherent moisture and nutrients of the food being cooked. Steaming encases the food in a moist environment, preventing the loss of water-soluble vitamins such as Vitamin C and B vitamins, which can be easily degraded through other cooking methods. Furthermore, the gentle nature of steaming ensures that the structural integrity of delicate proteins like those found in salmon is maintained, avoiding the toughness that can result from high-heat cooking techniques.

When compared to methods such as frying or grilling, steaming emerges as a superior technique for those aiming to retain the nutritional quality of their meals. Frying often leads to the formation of unhealthy trans fats, while grilling can produce carcinogenic compounds when fats drip onto hot coals or grates. In contrast, steaming eliminates these health risks entirely, rendering it a safer and more nutritious cooking option.

Incorporating steaming into your culinary repertoire not only aligns with a health-oriented lifestyle but also harmonizes with the principles of clean and mindful eating. The technique’s simplicity and efficacy in preserving the natural essence of ingredients make it an indispensable method in the quest for nutritious and flavorful meals. As demonstrated by the delightful preparation of steamed salmon, this method ensures that one can enjoy both the taste and health benefits in every bite.


Traditional Chinese Steaming Techniques

Steaming is a time-honored cooking method deeply embedded in Chinese culinary traditions. One of the most revered techniques is the use of bamboo steamers, which not only optimize the cooking process but also infuse the food with a subtle, earthy aroma. When it comes to steaming salmon, this technique ensures that the fish retains its natural moisture, tenderness, and nutritional value.

The first step in traditional Chinese steaming involves selecting a high-quality bamboo steamer. These steamers are usually tiered, allowing multiple layers of food to be cooked simultaneously. To use a bamboo steamer, it is placed over a wok or a pot of boiling water. The steam generated from the boiling water circulates through the bamboo layers, cooking the salmon gently and evenly.

Typical ingredients and seasonings used to complement steamed salmon in Chinese cuisine include ginger, garlic, scallions, and soy sauce. Fresh ginger and garlic are often sliced thinly or minced and scattered over the salmon fillet. Scallions are usually cut into long, thin strips and placed on top, adding both flavor and visual appeal. A splash of soy sauce enhances the umami profile of the fish, while a drizzle of sesame oil can add a fragrant finish.

Regional variations exist within China, each adding its unique touch to the steaming technique. For instance, in Cantonese cuisine, steamed salmon might be paired with fermented black beans and a touch of rice wine for added depth of flavor. In Sichuan cuisine, a hint of chili oil might be incorporated to give the dish a spicy kick. These regional nuances highlight the versatility and adaptability of the traditional Chinese steaming method.

Overall, the traditional Chinese technique of steaming salmon not only preserves the fish’s delicate texture and nutritional integrity but also allows for an array of complementary flavors, making it a cherished culinary practice.

Step-by-Step Recipe for Chinese Steamed Salmon

Chinese steamed salmon is a simple yet flavorful dish that showcases the natural taste of fresh salmon while incorporating traditional Chinese seasoning. Here is a detailed recipe to guide you through preparing this delightful dish at home.


– 2 salmon fillets (preferably wild-caught)
– 2 tablespoons soy sauce
– 1 tablespoon Shaoxing wine (or dry sherry)
– 1 tablespoon sesame oil
– 1 thumb-sized piece of ginger, julienned
– 2 cloves garlic, minced
– 2 green onions, julienned
– 1 red chili, sliced (optional for heat)
– Fresh coriander leaves for garnish
– Lemon wedges for serving


1. Start by selecting the best quality salmon. Look for fillets that are bright in color, firm to the touch, and have a fresh, ocean-like smell. Wild-caught salmon is often preferred for its richer flavor and higher nutritional value.

2. Rinse the salmon fillets under cold water and pat them dry with a paper towel. Place the fillets on a heatproof plate that fits inside your steamer.

3. In a small bowl, mix the soy sauce, Shaoxing wine, and sesame oil. Pour this mixture evenly over the salmon fillets.

4. Spread the julienned ginger, minced garlic, and sliced chili (if using) over the top of the salmon. This not only infuses the fish with flavor but also adds a delightful aroma.

5. Prepare your steamer by bringing water to a boil in the bottom section. Once boiling, place the plate with the salmon in the steamer. Cover and steam for about 10-12 minutes, depending on the thickness of your fillets. The salmon should be opaque and flake easily with a fork when done.

6. Carefully remove the plate from the steamer. Sprinkle the julienned green onions on top.

7. Garnish with fresh coriander leaves and serve with lemon wedges on the side. The citrus adds a zesty contrast to the savory flavors of the dish.

For a complete meal, consider serving the steamed salmon with steamed jasmine rice and a side of stir-fried vegetables such as bok choy or snow peas. This not only complements the flavors of the steamed salmon but also provides a balanced and nutritious meal.

Incorporating Steamed Salmon into a Balanced Diet

Incorporating steamed salmon into a balanced diet can be an excellent way to enhance your nutritional intake while enjoying a delicious and versatile dish. Steamed salmon is not only rich in essential omega-3 fatty acids but also provides a significant source of high-quality protein, vitamins, and minerals. To seamlessly incorporate this healthful fish into your daily meals, consider a few strategic meal planning ideas and pairing options that cater to various dietary preferences, including low-carb and gluten-free diets.

For those following a low-carb diet, steamed salmon can be paired with a variety of non-starchy vegetables such as asparagus, spinach, or broccoli. These vegetables can be lightly steamed or sautéed in olive oil, making for a nutrient-dense and satisfying meal. Additionally, incorporating healthy fats like avocado or a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil can enhance the flavors and nutritional profile of your dish.

Individuals adhering to a gluten-free diet will find steamed salmon to be a perfect fit. To create a balanced meal, consider serving the salmon with quinoa or a wild rice blend, both of which are naturally gluten-free and offer a healthy dose of fiber and nutrients. Adding a side salad with mixed greens, cherry tomatoes, and a light vinaigrette can further round out the meal, providing a refreshing contrast to the rich, tender salmon.

For a more diverse approach, steamed salmon can be incorporated into various culinary traditions. For example, Asian-inspired dishes can feature steamed salmon alongside a stir-fry of colorful bell peppers, snap peas, and mushrooms, seasoned with a touch of soy sauce or tamari for a gluten-free option. Alternatively, Mediterranean-influenced meals might pair steamed salmon with a side of roasted vegetables, such as eggplant, zucchini, and bell peppers, drizzled with lemon juice and topped with fresh herbs like dill or parsley.

Meal planning with steamed salmon can also include creative options like salmon salads, wraps, and bowls. For a quick and nutritious lunch, flake the steamed salmon over a bed of mixed greens, add some sliced cucumber, radishes, and a hard-boiled egg, and finish with a light dressing. Wraps made with gluten-free tortillas, filled with steamed salmon, avocado, shredded lettuce, and a tangy yogurt sauce, offer another portable and satisfying option.

Incorporating steamed salmon into your diet not only enhances your meals with a delicious and healthful protein source but also supports a variety of dietary needs and preferences. With thoughtful meal planning and pairing, steamed salmon can easily become a staple in your balanced diet, contributing to overall wellness and culinary enjoyment.

Throughout this blog post, we have explored the numerous health benefits of steamed salmon, a staple in Chinese culinary traditions. This method of preparation ensures that the fish retains its essential nutrients, making it an excellent source of high-quality protein, omega-3 fatty acids, and vital vitamins and minerals. These nutrients play crucial roles in promoting heart health, supporting cognitive function, and enhancing overall well-being.

Chinese steamed salmon is also a testament to the balance and simplicity inherent in traditional Chinese cuisine. By incorporating wholesome ingredients such as ginger, garlic, and green onions, this dish not only delivers a flavorful experience but also adds additional health benefits, such as improved digestion and anti-inflammatory properties.

Moreover, the versatility of steamed salmon allows it to fit seamlessly into various dietary preferences, whether you are following a low-carb, gluten-free, or paleo diet. Its ease of preparation and quick cooking time make it an ideal choice for individuals seeking a nutritious meal without spending extensive time in the kitchen.

We encourage readers to embrace the practice of incorporating steamed salmon into their regular diet. By doing so, you are not only indulging in a delicious culinary experience but also investing in your long-term health. The harmony of flavors and the array of health benefits make Chinese steamed salmon a delightful and nutritious meal option that is well worth trying.


Chinese world and Chinese culture in Paris


Steam salmon with vegetable

Ingredients for steam salmon with vegetables / 2 persons 

For those who want to indulge without gaining an ounce. A delight to steam for everyone.

10 sheets Mamenori 

250 g of julienne vegetables 

150 g fresh salmon 


bouquet garni 



toasted sesame 



difficulty easy

preparation 25 minutes

baking 10 mn 

Total time 35 minutes

PREPARATION steam salmon with vegetables 

1Prepare the filling: Cut the fresh raw salmon into very small pieces (which will facilitate the steaming). Thaw julienne vegetables (if needed). Mix salmon and julienne vegetables and season. 

Preparation of steam bites: line the bottom of two bamboo baskets with a sheet of Mamenori (can substitute salad); this will avoid the bites do not attach. Make small grants to help food thread. For appetizers, cut into four sheets Mamenori and make small packages, gently drop in steam baskets. 

Cooking 3: Fill a saucepan with 3-4 inches of water and bring to boil by removing the two bamboo baskets and lid. Steam cooking: 10-15 minutes. 

Finally for steam salmon with vegetables 

Tasting: used steam bites in their bamboo baskets. And let the steam do its effect.That’s ok for steam salmon with vegetables .

Coconut Brownies Recipe

1/2 c Butter
2 c Sugar
4 Eggs
3 ts Vanilla
1-1/2 c Sifted flour
1/2 c Unsweetened cocoa
1/2 ts Salt
1 c Flaked coconut
1/2 c Chocolate chips
2 tb Sugar
1/2 c Walnuts; chopped (opt)

Coconut Brownies Preparation

Melt butter over low heat, then remove. Add 2 c sugar. Beat. Add eggs and vanilla. Blend. Add flour, cocoa, salt. Mix. Stir in coconut. Pour into greased 13×9 pan. Sprinkle remaining ingredients over top. Bake at 350~ for 30 minutes. Cool in pan and cut into bars. Do not overcook! The coconut in this recipe makes them nice and moist. Enjoy!! You”ll get lots of compliments on this one. 

Honey Pancake Syrup Recipe

1/2 c Water
1 ts Vanilla

Honey Pancake Syrup Preparation

Heat water in a saucepan over medium heat. Add honey just before boiling. Stir well until combined- do not boil. Remove from heat – stir in vanilla. Store in covered jar or syrup dispenser in the refrigerator. Honey can be used straight from the jar on pancakes – but this syrup pours nicely and dilutes the overwhelming sweetnees of honey.

Return to healthy recipe for June

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