Family Wellness

What assistance can a family claim?

What assistance can a family claim?

Family life is made up of many happy and important events. However, it also generates substantial expenses that parents sometimes have trouble meeting. Since the family is the pillar of society, certain organizations such as the Family Allowance Fund provide parents with financial aid to help them meet the costs of family life. These aids depend on the situation and the needs of each household. There is indeed financial aid for parents in a couple, alone, with one or more children. What are the different types of aid that a family can claim?

CAF financial aid: everything starts from the family quotient

At equal income, a person who lives alone and another who lives as a couple with two children will not have the same lifestyle. From a financial point of view, the single person will be more comfortable than the couple. To find out if a family can benefit from certain financial aids, the CAF will determine his family quotient. The latter designates the number of shares assigned to a tax household to determine income tax.

It makes it possible to adjust the amount of tax relating to a given income taking into account the number of people supported by the income. It also allows the CAF to determine your eligibility for certain financial aid, such as aid for family holidays, aid for the canteen and the allocation of holiday vouchers to finance the costs related to the stay.

Each year, the tax administration calculates the family quotient each family based on your annual taxable income statement. Your situation is a determining factor in the number of shares of your family quotient. Note that the taxes of people who live alone are calculated according to 1 part of the family quotient. On the other hand, those of PACS or married people are assessed at 2 shares of family quotient.

It is possible to benefit from additional shares in the family quotient if you have dependents or children in your household. But the capping of the quotient of the tax administration is slightly different from that of the family quotient of the CAF. The latter calculates the family quotient on the basis of your monthly resources, including the various aids it grants you. The formula for determining the monthly family quotient is therefore this: (1/12 x [revenus nets perçus] + sets of monthly services for the month in question)/number of units.

financial aid CAF allowances

Family allowances

Family allowances are aids paid without activity conditions to people with at least two dependent children. Whether you are married or separated, you have the opportunity to benefit from it. Children must be under the age of 20 and must reside in France. The amount of benefits is determined depending on household resources or those of the person who has the children in charge, as well as the number of children you have in your care and their ages. These allowances are paid monthly and can be combined with all other benefits.

You are entitled to a monthly increase when your child reaches the age of 14. The increase is paid to you from the calendar month following his birthday. But you benefit from the monthly increase only for your second child when you have two dependents. Divorced or separated parents who have children in shared residence can choose to share family allowances. It is therefore possible that each parent receives a share of the allowances according to the resources of his household and all the children in his care.

Maternity leave, paternity leave and parental leave

Maternity leave, paternity leave and parental leave are leaves granted to parents of newborn babies to allow them to rest and devote time to the baby. Thus, they can familiarize themselves with their new role as parents. Maternity leave is reserved for biological mothers only. These weeks of rest can be taken by employed women during pregnancy and after childbirth. The duration of maternity leave depends on the number of expected births and the number of children living in the family home. This leave may be followed by parental leave.

Paternity leave is reserved for biological fathers. It can be taken within 4 months after delivery. Its duration is 28 days, since July 1, 2021. It can also be followed by parental leave. Parental leave applies to both adoptive and biological parents. Parents have the option of whether or not to take this leave simultaneously, even if they work for the same employer. With regard to couples of two women, parental leave and paternity leave are reserved for the spouse of the biological mother. However, the child must be the result of a parental project and the name of the spouse must appear on the child’s birth certificate.

The birth bonus

Paid by the Childcare Benefit (PAJE), the birth bonus is funding given to pregnant women to prepare for the arrival of their child. It is paid during pregnancy to help you finance the various expenses related to the birth of your baby. Its allocation is based on your resources. To determine whether or not you are eligible for this financial aid, the PAJE counts your income for year N-2.

This bonus is granted according to the number of children to be born. It will therefore be paid to you once if you are expecting a single child, twice if you are expecting twins and three times if you are expecting triplets. To obtain the PAJE birth bonus, you must provide a declaration of pregnancy at the Family Allowance Fund in the first 6 months of your pregnancy.

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The family complement

The family supplement is financial assistance paid on a means-tested basis to families who take care of at least 3 children, whose age is between 3 and 21 years old. Its amount varies according to the resources of each household. The number of children does not affect the amount of the family supplement when you have more than 3 children. To benefit from this financial assistance, you must meet the general conditions for obtaining family benefits.

Your income must not exceed the ceiling corresponding to your situation (couple with 2 incomes, couple with 1 income, single parent, number of dependent children). Note that the CAF takes into account your income for year N-2 to judge your eligibility for this right. For the year 2022, for example, it is your income for the year 2020 that will determine the ceiling not to be exceeded to benefit from the family supplement.

The complement of free choice of childcare

The supplement to the free choice of childcare (CMG) from the MSA or the CAF allows parents to benefit from financial assistance to enable them to resume their professional activity. It concerns parents with children under 6 years old. The CMG is part of the PAJE aid that falls within the framework parenting support during the reception of a newborn.

This financial aid is intended to finance part of the childcare costs when the parents hire an approved childminder, enroll their child in the crèche or when they opt for home childcare. The amount depends on the number of dependent children in each household, household resources, and the age of the children.

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