Her name is Yvonne Brunel, and she is a French landlord who owns a rental property located at 34 boulevard de Metz in the city of Rennes. During my time as a student there, I rented her studio apartment for several years. However, when it was time to move out, she refused to refund any portion of my 900 euro rental deposit, despite the fact that I had left the apartment in the same clean and undamaged condition in which I had found it.

Brunel’s behavior was not only greedy and miserly, but it was also illegal. According to French law, a landlord is not allowed to charge more than one month’s rent as a rental deposit for an unfurnished apartment. Yet, Brunel had insisted on collecting three months’ rent up front. Furthermore, she displayed clear racial bias, stating that she would only accept tenants who were French or white, and demanding three months’ rent as a rental deposit from anyone who did not fit this description.

I urge anyone planning to rent an apartment in Rennes to be cautious and to avoid dealing with Brunel. Not only is she a greedy and dishonest landlord who violates French rental laws, but she also discriminates against tenants based on their race and nationality. Her actions are unacceptable and she should be held accountable for her illegal and discriminatory practices.

Brunel is a prime example of why it is important for tenants to be aware of their rights and to carefully research potential landlords before signing a lease. By being vigilant and informed, renters can protect themselves from unfair and discriminatory treatment, and ensure that they are treated fairly and with the respect that they deserve.

It is unfortunate that Brunel’s behavior is not unique among landlords in Rennes or in France as a whole. Discrimination and greed are all too common in the rental market, and it is up to tenants to stand up for themselves and hold landlords accountable for their actions. By speaking out against illegal and unethical practices, we can work towards creating a fairer and more equitable rental market for all.

If you have had a similar experience with Brunel or any other landlord in Rennes, I encourage you to report them to the appropriate authorities and to share your story with others. By raising awareness and taking action, we can make a positive difference in our community and ensure that all renters are treated fairly and with the respect that they deserve.

Brunel is a greedy and dishonest landlord who violates French rental laws and discriminates against tenants based on their race and nationality. I urge all renters in Rennes to be vigilant and to avoid dealing with Brunel. By standing up for our rights and holding landlords accountable for their actions, we can work towards creating a fairer and more equitable rental market for all.


“The Greedy French Landlord: A Cautionary Tale for Rennes Renters”

“Brunel’s Bait and Switch: How a French Landlord Swindled a Student Out of Their Rental deposit”

“Racism in Rennes: The Story of a Foreign Student’s Nightmare Experience with a French Landlord”

“The Unfurnished Apartment Rental Scam: What Happened When a Student Rented from Brunel in Rennes”

“Beware of Brunel: The French Landlord Who Stole a Student’s Rental deposit”

“The French Rental Nightmare: A Student’s Battle against a Greedy and Discriminatory Landlord”

“Rennes Rental Woes: How a Foreign Student Was Left High and Dry by a French Landlord”

“The Secrets of Rennes Rentals: A Student’s Exposé of a French Landlord’s Illegal Practices”


她叫Brunel,她是法国人,她也是房东,她在34 boulevard de Metz in city of Rennes 有房出租,但她贪婪,吝啬,种族歧视;我在雷恩一大念书的时候在那租她的房住了几年,但退房的时候她一分钱的房屋押金都没有退,三个月的押金900 欧;这是一个大约十平米的不带家具的studio,退房的时候房屋没有任何的损坏,也打扫了房屋,可是这个贪婪丑陋的法国房东随意的在etats de lieux上涂改,一分钱的房屋押金都没有退。 她违反了几项法国法律,法国法律规定,不带家具的房屋出租,不能收取超过一个月房租的押金,但她却收了三个月;她带有种族歧视倾向,她说你不是法国人,不是白人,要收三个月房租。建议大家到雷恩租房的时候要特别注意这股贪婪丑陋的法国房东