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Garmin Edge 830 vs 820 – Review & Comparison, which model to choose?

Garmin Edge 820 and 830 compared: the differences, which model to choose?
Garmin bike GPS meters are among the most complete GPS for smart health sport & smart fitness on the market. In terms of functionality, it’s hard to beat it anywhere else. The Edge 820, equipped with color mapping, is the mid-range model. Garmin replaces this GPS by the Edge 830 by bringing important innovations which bring it, more or less, to the level of Edge 1030, the best device in the range to date.So Garmin Edge 830 vs 820 ,which model to choose?

Garmin Edge 830: the GPS bike and mountain bike computer that replaces the Edge 820

The Garmin Edge 830 is the model that replaces the Edge 820. This GPS bike and mountain bike computer incorporates all the features and functionality of the Edge 820 and brings about twenty changes, most of which make a big difference: a larger screen, a better autonomy, new functions that are really interesting for cyclists but also for mountain bike fans. This model differs so much from the Edge 820 that it seems to us more interesting today than the Edge 1030, the high-end model, while awaiting of course the next release of the Edge 1040 in 2024 .
Read our detailed review and review of the Garmin Edge 830
In order to help you make up your mind and decide which model to buy, we have compared the Edge 820 and the Edge 830 and detailed the differences.

The Garmin Edge 830 is a very complete GPS bike and mountain bike counter offering color mapping and advanced navigation and cyclist assistance functions

Garmin Edge 820 versus Edge 830 comparison: the main differences

The Edge 830 incorporates all the functions of the Edge 820 but with evolving characteristics (size, weight, autonomy, processor, GPS chip) and added functions that make it even more complete. Here are summarized the main differences that we detail below in this article:

  • A larger screen (2.6 “diagonal instead of 2.3”, 13% more)
  • Better resolution (+ 23%)
  • A new less energy-consuming GPS chip
  • Significantly improved battery life and compatibility with Garmin Charge external battery
  • 2 times faster processor
  • ClimbPro: a function displaying and using the altitude profile to better manage its climbs
  • The display of the power curve on several drives
  • Assessment of acclimatization to heat and altitude
  • Smart nutrition and hydration alerts
  • Tracking your diet and hydration
  • Trendline Popularity Routing and access to popular routes (heat maps)
  • Mountain biking dynamics (Grit and Flow functions to assess the difficulty of a track, improve its technique and more)
  • Trailforks data integrated into the maps (mountain bike trails and their level of difficulty)
  • New metrics for mountain biking
  • New functions for mountain biking (ForkSight functions displaying the position and the intersections to come when we take a break, Trail Planning to find a track for a given level)
  • Fall detection
  • Assistance in the event of a fall (SOS function)
  • Bike movement alarm
  • A “Find my Edge” function
  • Bluetooth compatibility for certain sensors (heart rate, speed, cadence monitoring among others)
  • Some changes in the user interface

Edge 820 VS Edge 830 differences: price and physical characteristics compared

In this section, we compare the 2 models with each other and detail the differences. If you do not have time to read everything, go directly to our opinion on these 2 models!

A more comfortable screen (size and resolution) and a processor 2 times faster

In terms of physical characteristics, the Edge 830 differs from the old model mainly by its larger screen. We gain 8 mm diagonal, or 13% more, and the resolution goes from 200 x 265 pixels to 246 x 322 pixels, an increase of about 23%. The weight increases by 12 g.
Another significant difference, Garmin announces a processor 2 times faster, which significantly reduces the wait at the start, when calculating the route. With the Edge 820, you had to wait long seconds for the bike computer to calculate the route before you could start. On the Edge 830, the difference is really appreciable.
The Mediatek GPS chip is replaced by a Sony chip as on all new Garmin watches but also Polar or Suunto. This chip consumes less energy and makes it possible to extend the autonomy time of the GPS.
The price of the Edge 830 is $399.99. That of the Edge 820 drops by $ 50. The novelties largely justify this difference. We can expect a drop in the price of the Edge 820 while waiting for the liquidation of stocks (see our current promotions on this model).


Autonomy: almost doubled and compatibility with Garmin Charge

Thanks to the new Sony GPS chip, the autonomy of the Edge has jumped. We go from 15 to 20 h in GPS training mode and from 24 to 40 h in energy saving mode. And that’s not all: the Edge 830 is compatible with an external Garmin Charge ™ battery to be placed under the support. We can thus reach 40 hours of autonomy in GPS training mode and much more in energy saving mode.


The sensors: a new GPS chip, Bluetooth in addition to ANT +

As we describe above, Garmin adopts the Sony GPS chip, which consumes less energy, replacing the Mediatek chip. The bike GPS can synchronize to the mixed GPS + Galileo signal in addition to the GPS alone or the GPS + GLONASS (note that the Edge 820 now accesses Galileo since an update at the end in 2024). This offers better satellite coverage and is appreciable in places where the GPS or GLONASS signal is weak. The user can choose between the 3 modes depending on where he is. Note that the use of 2 satellite networks increases the consumption of the battery.
The Edge 830, like the old model, is compatible with many external sensors (heart rate monitoring, cadence sensors, speed, power, Shimano Di2 derailleur, health home trainer, electric bike, etc.). Garmin adds Bluetooth Smart compatibility, in addition to the ANT + protocol, and provides a list of compatible sensors. In particular, we can connect a cadence, speed sensor or a cardio belt with Bluetooth Smart.


Features and metrics: useful new tools

The new features and metrics in the Edge 830 are impressive. MTB fans are particularly well off with Trailforks data and new useful features.



ClimbPro displays the altitude profile of the course and useful data to manage its ascent

ClimbPro is a recent function already present on the high-end Garmin Fenix ​​5, Fenix ​​5 Plus, Forerunner 945 watches and on the Garmin MARQ luxury watch series. Garmin adds this handy feature to the Edge 830. It displays the slope profile of the programmed route and indicates the percentage of slope, the elevation and the distance remaining, the total ascent and the difficulties to predict (difficult passages). The idea of ​​ClimbPro is to help the cyclist to better manage his ascent.

New metrics for performance measurement

The Edge doesn’t just save data. He analyzes them to provide useful performance indicators to manage and optimize his training and progress. The Edge 820 already offered a number of metrics. Garmin adds a few new features, including:

    • The aerobic training effect and the anaerobic training effect: the watch assesses the quality of training, in particular the impact of physical activity on aerobic and anaerobic capacities. It thus allows to know if a training has been effective.
    • Training load: it measures the impact of an activity on training
    • Training status: the computer assesses the effectiveness of training taking into account recent training and long-term training habits. It also helps to make the best decisions for choosing future workouts.
Visual recommendations allow you to adapt your training as well as possible
  • The objective of the training load: The Edge assesses the balance of training (low aerobic training, high aerobic training and anaerobic training) and indicates, in graphical form, which activity to work to balance it.
  • Physical condition: the Edge assesses physical condition after a short activity (6 to 20 minutes)

The VO2max estimate, already offered on the old model, is now adjusted as a function of altitude and heat. Its assessment is therefore more accurate and avoids surprises when training in one place for a competition planned elsewhere (different altitude or climate).
Garmin also offers, in addition to the instantaneous power measurement already offered by the Edge 820, a new power curve over several days. The GPS calculates the average power developed during your outings and records the data for a comparison over several weeks or even months. This allows you to see, for example, whether the training has borne fruit and has resulted in increased efficiency on a given route.

Smart nutrition and hydration alerts

When cycling or mountain biking for more than 90 minutes, it is important to eat and hydrate regularly. Garmin offers the Edge 830 a new application that estimates the cyclist’s needs and reminds him to refuel. The estimate is made on the basis of caloric expenditure, the accumulated elevation and the efforts made.
The Edge also offers nutrition and hydration monitoring and compares this data to the cyclist’s estimated needs. This allows you to see if what you have consumed is sufficient or not.

Trendline Popularity Routing and access to popular routes (heat maps)

Thanks to the Trendline Popularity Routing feature, already present on the Edge 1030 and on Fenix ​​5 Plus and Forerunner 945 watches, the Edge 830 can offer routes on roads or tracks from the billions of data shared by the Garmin member community . This handy function allows you to discover new routes in your region or around you without knowing the places (for example when you go on vacation). Garmin selects the routes most frequented by the community as well as the opinions of the members.

TrailForks and new functions for mountain bikers

Garmin has developed a partnership with Trailforks, a company that uses data from thousands of mountain biking users. The company offers routes indicating their difficulty. Garmin integrates this data into the maps of the Edge 830 MTB pack and offers Trailforks functions to exploit it. To benefit, simply download the free Trailforks app. The user can thus benefit from:

TrailForks data integrated into the maps allows you to select an ATV trail according to its difficulty
  • Over 180,000 tracks listed in 80 countries, available free of charge and updated regularly.
  • A classification by difficulty with colors as for the ski slopes (green, blue, red, black slopes)
  • A function Trail Planning allowing to search for a track from a place and indicating a level of difficulty
  • A function Forksight which activates when we take a break and which displays the cyclist’s position on the map as well as the next intersections
  • Of mountain biking dynamics : the Edge assesses the difficulty of a circuit (Grit function) and the fluidity of the descent (Flow function). This data can be used to assess a descent and improve your technique.

Garmin is also adding new MTB metrics that measure the position, number, duration and length of jumps.


Safety and assistance functions and smart health connected functions


Fall detection and assistance in the event of an incident

Concerned about the well-being of its users, Garmin, like Apple and its Apple Watch 4, offers, on this new model and in its latest sports watches, a fall detection function and assistance in the event of an incident. . The bike GPS is capable of recognizing a fall and offers the automatic or manual sending of a message to a predefined contact.

A new “Find my Edge” function

This function will be of more interest to mountain bikers who may have to lose their bike GPS after a fall. As soon as it is detached from its support, the Edge indicates its GPS position and can be spotted from a Smartphone.

An alarm when the bike is moved

This function, which can be activated by PIN code, detects any movement of the bicycle (theft for example) and generates an audible alert and notification on your Smartphone.


Our opinion: Garmin Edge 820 or Edge 830? Which one to choose ?

Between the Edge 820 and the Edge 830, significantly improved, there is no photo: it is definitely the Edge 830 that we recommend for its many new features, even if its price is higher (€ 50 difference following the price drop of the Edge 820 after the release of the new model).
Now, should we really pay more for new products or, on the contrary, take advantage of the lower price to buy the old model? Or, if you already have the Edge 820, should you sell it to buy the new model? Is the Edge 830 really better than the Edge 820? Are the € 50 difference, or even € 80 with current or future promotions (see our offers below), justified in terms of the new features and functions offered?
The answer to these questions depends on the budget you have and the functions you need most. It also depends on your activity (cycling, mountain biking or both). The following tips should help you.

Edge 830: a big leap compared to the old model

If the budget is not a concern, opt without hesitation for the Edge 830. The tools (including ClimbPro and Trendline Popularity Routing), the new on-board metrics, the improved navigation, the computing times become acceptable, the autonomy, the new security features are well worth the € 50 difference. In addition, this model does not bring any disadvantage compared to the old model if it is a hardly higher weight (12 g). The accuracy of the new Sony GPS chip had been discussed when it was put into service in cardio watches, but software adjustments and antenna optimization have made it possible to correct this since.
In addition to the many new features described above, this model also benefits from the agreement signed with Trailforks to integrate their data. If software updates can improve certain functions of the Edge 820 (as it will be on the Edge 1030), Trailforks data will unfortunately not be able to be integrated due to the license granted only for e Edge 830.
If, on the contrary, your budget is tight or you are an opportunist and like to change models during specials occurring at the release of a new product, the Edge 820 remains an excellent choice. You just won’t get the news. Are they really useful? Read our tips below.

The screen: better but not enough to justify paying more

The screen, 13% wider than the Edge 820, is certainly more precise too (+ 23% gain in resolution) but it probably won’t make a huge difference. If this is important to you, it is better to invest in Edge 1030 for a really comfortable screen. This is one of the few benefits left in the Edge 1030 since the release of the Edge 530 and Edge 830.

Mountain biking: Edge 830 highly recommended

For mountain bikers, the Edge 830 brings notable changes, in particular the Trailforks data which make it possible to search for a trail according to its difficulty from routes recorded by the community, to visualize the trails around you with colors to identify their difficulty.
Trailforks assesses the difficulty of the trails you take as well as the fluidity of your descents. If, for example, you use the brakes downhill too much, your score will not be optimal. With a little practice, you will learn to improve or optimize your descents.
Forksight also brings a comfort of use of the Edge by indicating your position and the intersections around you, a practical side when you are a little lost, but not what to pay more for this new model.
The Edge 830 also offers new jump metrics (number, position, duration, length). These data will be especially useful to professionals more than to recreational athletes.
TrendLine Popularity Routing and ClimbPro seem to us to be essential tools for mountain biking to discover new trails in its region or find trails easily when going on vacation and to assess the slope, especially on unknown trails.

For cyclists: Edge 830 if you do a lot of mountain

Climbers will appreciate the new Edge for the ClimbPro function, which is also found in high-end Garmin multisport watches (Fenix ​​5 Plus, Forerunner 945). It displays the slope profile and colors according to the difficulty (easy, medium, difficult, etc.). This tool allows you to better manage your ascent, in particular to climb a difficult pass. Nothing better than knowing at all times the percentage of slope to come and how much there is to climb. You can also use this function to improve your climbs by closely monitoring the times at each kilometer and managing your efforts according to the slope.
Nutrition and hydration alerts are also interesting if you are starting out on a bike or if you underestimate the body’s needs. Hydration, in particular, is always delicate, especially in hot weather when efforts are sustained. It’s very easy to get dehydrated and not be able to catch up afterwards if you don’t drink regularly. However, these alerts do not take into account the quality of the drink (isotonic or not, for example) which, in the end, can make a big difference. Beware of dehydration!

Autonomy: Garmin Charge makes the difference

This parameter must be taken into account if you are looking for a long battery life on your Edge, whether for very long outings (more than 15 hours) or for outings over several days (cycle tourism, etc.). The Edge 830 offers greater autonomy thanks to the more economical GPS chip. We are talking about 5 h (33%) more gain compared to the Edge 820 and more than 100% in energy saving mode (this mode results in a loss of precision and the deactivation of certain functions). But the interest of the new model is above all to be compatible with Garmin Charge & trade;, an external battery which hangs under the bike mount of the Edge and which is already offered on the Edge 1030. We can thus double the autonomy loss of precision.

In conclusion

The Edge 830 is to date one of the most complete GPS bike computers on the market and in our view is more interesting than the high-end model Edge 1030 (but with a significantly smaller screen). The Edge 1030 will certainly benefit from updates (the new features of the Edge 830 should be added) but it will not benefit from Trailforks data. We therefore recommend the Edge 830 without hesitation. If you are looking for a larger screen, then opt for the Edge 1030 but without the Trailforks data or if not, wait for the release of the Edge 1040 (a priori release in 2024 )!
That said, the Edge 820 should see its price drop and can therefore be an interesting buying opportunity if you are not interested in better autonomy and new key functions (ClimbPro, Trendline Popularity Routing, improved navigation, fall detection, assistance in the event of an incident in particular).

Where to buy the Garmin Edge 820 and 830 and at what price?

The Edge 820 is available in certain brands still offering it for sale. Garmin’s recommended retail price is $349.99.
The Garmin Edge 830 has been available for sale since April 2019 at a suggested retail price of $399.99. Garmin also offers a Performance pack and an MTB pack:

  • The Performance pack (Sensor Bundle) includes a heart rate monitoring with flexible chest belt, a speed sensor and a cadence sensor. Everything is offered for $ 100 more than the standard package, i.e. $499.99.
  • The mountain bike pack includes an ATV mount, a speed sensor, an Edge remote control and a silicone cover. It is offered for € 70 more than the standard package, i.e. $469.99.

Discover these GPS meters with our partners and take advantage of our coupons.
Garmin Edge 820

Garmin Edge 830

Commercial links. Non contractual prices. Please consult the merchant website.

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